A beautiful blonde greeted me in the lobby with a big smile. She warmly welcomed me to follow her to her office to begin my interview.
Normally, I would have been nervous but something about her energy made me feel like I was in charge. And I was!
As a recruiter, her job was to convince me that the business opportunity was a great move for me. I expected her to tell me all the reasons why I should join this agency.
But she didn't. Instead...
She asked thoughtful questions and used some Jedi mind tricks to get me to say yes! (haha ok she didn't trick me).
Her questions allowed me to sell myself on the business opportunity.
Are you talking more than listening when you finally get someone to listen to your business opportunity presentation?
Feel like you have to do more of the talking to make sure you cover all of the perks of joining your team?
But what if you're talking to all the wrong reasons they should join you?
The best way to get someone to join your team is to ask thoughtful and intentional questions.
In order to formulate these questions, you must do the research but I got you!
Here are questions you should ask:
What made you interested in listening to this opportunity?
What do you hope to gain from this business opportunity?
What kind of life do you want to create with this business?
What do you want to change about your current job/career/financial situation?
Why is that important to you?
What would keep you from joining?
These questions can help you craft your response and provides you market research for the next presentation.
Once you've done this a few times, you'll be able to predict their objections and overcome them before they arise.
This is how you collapse time and scale your business!
There's a recruiting bonus inside Connections that Convert. Grab it now before the price goes up to $147 on June 8th.